Ôtentik & Proud Inc.

Store with peace of mind!

I store with a Consultant

Complete your order, and the Consultant you choose will deliver your products and accessories. You’ll receive free advice and an initial hair treatment.

Use the geolocation map below to select a Consultant and access their online store:

I store without a consultant

You are autonomous and don’t need the assistance of a Consultant for your first hair treatment.

Complete your order and receive your products directly at home, by clicking on the link below:

I am an Ôtentik Consultant

You have a Ôtentik & Fière Consultant.e account.

Click on the link below to access your store:

Emplacement de recherche

Rayon: Km
Trouvez un.e Consultant.e : 0 PRINT

Direction du magasin


Utilisez ma position pour trouver le fournisseur de services le plus proche de chez moi

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